Thursday, April 23, 2009

How to Overcome Axiety Due to Stress

We must love our body. So don't too carried away with your stress. Health is certainly the key to happiness

Stress causes more than mental anguish. It can also affect your health. This article will discuss how stress can be managed and controlled.

Everyone feels stress occasionally. What’s interesting is that everybody perceives or responds to stress differently. The feelings of stress originate from our flight or fight responses.Our bodies secrete hormones, when a perceived shock or threat has occurred. These hormones increase blood pressure, the heart rate and blood sugar to allow us to move faster to survive that threat. Mental clarity is usually impaired and sacrificed at this time. Unfortunately, in today’s world, most people experience stress when encountering unexpected events or changes when mental clarity is required, as opposed to life-threatening circumstances. How the stress is managed, will determine how it will effect that individual long term.

When stress is experienced it can manifest in certain ways. Stress can cause back pain, headaches, TMJ, fatigue, shortness of breath, weight gain or loss and stomach upset. Psychologically, symptoms could include anxiety, depression, insomnia and relationship problems.

If stress is prolonged more serious health problems can arise. The National Institute of Health cites that exposure to stress can lead to behavioral problems resulting in substance abuse, excessive alcohol consumption, over or under eating, and smoking. Studies conducted by the Mayo Clinic confirm that long-term exposure to stress can cause heart disease as well. An increase in heart rate and blood pressure for long periods of time can thicken arterial walls. As stress continues and the heart demands oxygenated blood, these thickened arterial walls may prevent adequate blood flow needed to feed the heart, resulting in a heart attack. Stress, also damages the immune system and autoimmune responses in our body. This can result in increased cold frequency as well as worsening or causing other conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and irritable bowel syndrome.

Management needs to be tailor made for the individual. However, generally speaking, the following are some suggestions by the American Academy of Family Physicians to reduce stress. Exercising on a regular basis is one of the main stress reducing activities. Exercise makes the individual use pent-up energy and tension, focusing the nervous energy into a constructive activity. Deep breathing, stretching and meditation are other ways that can help. Deep breathing allows more oxygen to enter the blood system, while stretching also relieves aching, tense muscles. Meditation is a form of hypnotic or guided thinking that can ease anxiety.

Other suggestions are to partake in activities that are non-stressful and induce relaxation. These can include social activities, sports and hobbies. Not worrying over things out of our control, preparation for events viewed as stressful ahead of time, looking at things positively as a challenge instead of a threat, resolving conflicts with others and setting realistic goals are other suggestions. Seeking the advice of friends or family or psychological counseling, may also be advisable.

Read more: "Stress Management: How to Handle Anxiety" -

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