Thursday, April 23, 2009

101 Stress Relievers for a Better Life

Follow the following 101 tip for a healthier life..good luck
  1. Create a schdule
  2. Don't procrastinate
  3. Take breaks
  4. Take a vacation
  5. Talk to co-workers
  6. Breathe
  7. Walk
  8. Run
  9. Do Aerobics
  10. Take a bath
  11. Do something for you each day
  12. Smile
  13. Laugh
  14. Tell a joke
  15. Call a friend
  16. Meet a friend for a meal
  17. Let someone help you
  18. Learn to say, "NO"
  19. Create goals and make a plan
  20. Seek therapy
  21. Journal
  22. Yoga
  23. Meditation
  24. Sing
  25. Dance
  26. Play an instrument
  27. Play with your kids
  28. Play with your pets
  29. Doodle
  30. Tighten all your muscles and then relax them
  31. Cry
  32. Vent
  33. Get enough sleep
  34. Eat well
  35. Do something nice for someone
  36. Read a book for fun
  37. Have sex
  38. Listen to music
  39. Get a massage
  40. Make a list of all the good things in your life
  41. Visualize you are in a peaceful place
  42. Play a sport such as football, basketball or tennis
  43. Light aromatherapy candles
  44. Purchase essential oils for stress relief
  45. Get a makeover
  46. Take a nap
  47. Smell some flowers
  48. Go to a park
  49. Take a moonlight walk with someone you care about
  50. Remove yourself from the situation
  51. Take control of a situation and do something to help the crisis
  52. Reduce caffeine intake
  53. Change thought patterns by forcing yourself to think of something else when thinking of something that bothers you.
  54. Attend an event such as a concert
  55. Call an old friend
  56. Call your family
  57. Rent a movie
  58. Cook a good meal
  59. Clean or organize
  60. Make a silly face and take a picture
  61. Take vitamins
  62. Drink water
  63. Do Tai Chi
  64. Listen to a motivational podcast or CD
  65. Take herbs such as Valerian and Kava
  66. Ask your doctor about anti-anxiety medication
  67. Reduce smoking
  68. End drug abuse
  69. Limit alcohol
  70. Avoid stress triggers
  71. Think positively
  72. Change life situations
  73. Create balance in your life
  74. Treat medical problems
  75. Do puzzles
  76. Read something funny
  77. Plan a nice evening for yourself
  78. Go on a weekend getaway
  79. Pray
  80. Say a mantra
  81. Watch a sunset
  82. Go to a beach and listen to the waves
  83. Take out a kayak or boat on a lake and explore
  84. Take a drive through a scenic area 84
  85. Go shopping
  86. Avoid bad news
  87. Drink some tea such as chamomile
  88. Make new friends
  89. Participate in a hobby
  90. Don't take on too much you can't handle
  91. Tell yourself that everything will be okay and you can do it
  92. Hypnosis
  93. Play rookie from work
  94. Avoid toxic people or people who affect your life negatively
  95. Have a glass of wine
  96. Get a pet
  97. Get into a hot tub
  98. Have someone cater to you for a day
  99. Redecorate your space
  100. Look at pictures of happy times or people you love
  101. Invite friends over for a small party and have fun!

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